Monday, July 13, 2009

I truly am very contrite - once I decided to get involved with a Blog , I should at least have been committed to the relationship. My intentions were sincere - I just have a roving eye and too much curiosity about too many things to be faithful. On top of my inherent weaknesses, add a new computer with a new operating system, and a not so new brain.

I have strayed.

Cobourg celebrated Canada Day as usual with the largest festial in Canada. Unlike most other locations in Canada, rather than May 24th, Queen Victoria's Birthday,this is when we set off our fireworks and choose to celebrate this wonderful country.

It is the busiest weekend for most of the Hospitality providers with the talented Artisans and Artists as well as the hordes of visitors who make this event what it is. I was very fortunate this year. Ellis Burrows who is the Master behind The Wicked Gourmet stayed at Mackechnie House.He has developed an original, versatile, and perfectly named, deliciously wicked line of Condiments, Sauces and Rubs. There are few people in the food business as committed to quality and sophisticated flavour as Ellis.

And, if that wasn't enough, Melody,(who could not have a more fitting name),
was also a guest. Melody sources vintage T -shirts and antique linens and oh! what you'll find. Funky, fun and amazingly creative, not to speak of helping all of us by
retrofitting resouces. I can hardly wait to wear my dress that says "My life is Rock and Roll and I like it.

Check out Melody's great clothes at Precocious Boutique

Delicious food; delicious clothes. Can't get much better!