Saturday, May 30, 2009

A week later

I seem to have Writer's Block before even getting started. I am waiting for someone to help me post pictures so I have a frame of reference to go from.

I don't have a lot of food stories right now. Although the Bed and Breakfast is busy,I am not nearly as busy with Catering which is too bad, because that is what gives me the excuse I need to buy new cookbooks.

I wonder sometimes if I cook because of the food or because of the colours. I did something for breakfast this morning with raspberries and brilliantly green kiwi and it was gorgeous.

When I learn more about how to manage this blog, I would like to post recipes with pictures. I am a non-accomplishing writer who would love to develop a cookbook if I could think of a concept that hasn't been done a million times already. Or, maybe that is an excuse.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Getting Started


My first attempt and I erased the whole thing!

I think I am about to start a new period in my life and I hope I won't bore you too much. I just spent a short time with and old and dear friend and Oh My! She gave me a lot to think about.

It is not often you meet an Artist, Businesswoman (exceptional in both fields ) who is also very, very funny.You should see her postings at Priscillamaeetall/blogspot

I am going to find colour again in both my surroundings, my work (Caterer and B&B Owner, my Son and myself. Hope some of you will come along with me- I probably will be a terrible bore to start but I promise to feel comfortable enough to be funny sometimes too.